Getwell .
Get best consultation and treatment

Best diagnostic centre in Kolkata. Your Health Matters to Us

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Our Services

Services provided by Getwell Polyclinic & Diagnosis

Doctors' Consultation

Get best online consultation for doctor in Kaikhali Kolkata for your health problems from our experienced and highly qualified doctors

Pathology Test

We, the best pathology center in kolkata, also conduct all kind of pathology tests. Home collection of samples is also available


We provide all kind of vaccinations for children and aged persons. Contact us to know more

Our Doctors


Best ENT Doctor In Kolkata -Dr. Rahul Sarkar

Dr. Rahul Sarkar

MBBS (Hons.), MS, DNB

Mon – Sat 9 am ( Appointment only) & 7 pm-9 pm

Sun 10 am – 12 pm


Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Dr. Chandrani Pal - best gynaecologist in kolkata

Dr. Chandrani Pal


Mon – Sat 7:30 pm

Sun – 9am.


Call Us @ +91 9830226114 or Submit The Form to Book Appointment

ontact us to schedule your appointment

Other Doctors of Getwell


Dr. Sujoy Chakraborty
Dr. Sujoy Chakraborty


Mon – Sat 5 pm.


Dr. Aranyak Sarkar

MBBS, MS (Ortho)

Wed 12pm. Fri 5pm


Dr. Aniruddha Mandal
Dr. Aniruddha Mandal

MBBS, MD, DM(Cardio)

Mon, Tue 6:30pm. Sat 4:30pm


Dr. Moukoli Pal
Dr. Moukoli Pal

MBBS(Hons), MD, DM (Neuro)

(as per appointment)

General medicine & Diabetology

Dr. Soumitra Das
Dr. Soumitra Das

MBBS (Hons), MD (Med), MRCP II(UK)

Mon to Sat 10am except Thurs


Dr.Ayan Basak
Dr.Ayan Basak

MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)

Tuesday 9 am.

General Physician

Dr. Swarna Subarna Das
Dr. Swarna Subarna Das


Mon, Thurs, 5pm

General Physician

Dr. Ariful Haque


Mon to Fri 7:30pm


Dr. Aniruddha Mandal
Mr. Sourav Thakur


Appointment Basis

Best ENT Doctor In Kolkata

About Getwell Polyclinic & Diagnostic, The Best Diagnostic Centre in Kolkata

Getwell Polyclinic & Diagnostic, one of the best diagnostic centre in Kolkata, has been formed by Dr. Rahul Sarkar, the best ENT doctor in Kolkata & Dr. Chandrani Pal, the best gynaecologist in kolkata, in 2022 with a goal to provide quality & affordable treatment to the people. The services provided by Getwell polyclinic & Diagnostic are mainly doctor consultation, health check-up, pathology test, vaccination etc. We are also equipped with modern equipment for surgeries and treatment.  

our qualified and experienced staff members would love to hear your health problems to ensure better treatment.

Happy Stories

একজন প্রকৃত ডাক্তারের কাজ শুধুমাত্র রোগ নির্ণয় এবং ব্যবস্থাপনা পত্র লিখে দেওয়া নয়। পাশাপাশি তাঁর কাছে আগত রোগীকে মানসিক সান্ত্বনা দেওয়া এবং সম্পূর্ণ সুস্থ হওয়া পর্যন্ত তাঁর সাথে যোগাযোগের মাধ্যমে তদারকি করা। এই সমস্ত ব্যাপার গুলি যিনি সম্পূর্ণ দায়িত্বের সাথে পালন করেন তিনি আমার প্রিয় চিকিৎসক ডাঃ রাহুল সরকার। গত বেশ কয়েক মাস ধরে উনার কাছ থেকে চিকিৎসা সেবা গ্রহণ করে আমি অত্যন্ত সন্তুষ্ট। চিকিৎসার মতো সেবামূলক মহান পেশায় উনার উত্তর উত্তর সাফল্য আসুক।❤️❤️🌱🌿☘️

Md. Murshed Islam Akanda Avatar Md. Murshed Islam Akanda

Dr .rahul Sarkar one of the best treatment in ent pasent and he is young doctor and good experience really nice person....

manzur alam Avatar manzur alam

I am a doctor n I got to know Rahul Da(Dr.Rahul) from college.My mother was suffering from an ear disease and this is where I came for her treatment.I would highly recommend him any sort of ear,nose,throat disease.

priti prashad Avatar priti prashad

What We Do

Our main aim is to provide affordable and best quality health care services to everyone. In Get well, Our qualified doctors and staff members provide the consultation and treatment with extreme care.